Meet Morven Davidson! Morven has been nominated mum Fiona
Role : Morven is a Shepherdess / Farm Manager on a Highland estate. Who also enjoys to lend a hand in the beating line on shoot days.
Family History : Morven was the only member of my family to go to College and study agriculture, qualifying and then working on an estate farm where she met her husband who is a gamekeeper.
Training Courses : Attending Bishop Button diploma in agriculture and British Wool Board shearing courses.
“ Morven supports her husband beating on shoot days as well as going on her own to other estates. She has bred and trained her own dogs, as well as assisting in the organisation of shoot days including preparation of meals using pheasant and partridge for the beaters.” Says Fiona.
Community Work : Morven proudly raised over £7000 for SCAA by holding a community auction in Glen Esk.
Conservation work : Currently part of environmental sheep management schemes along with wild bird environment enhancement schemes.
Favourite Meal : Partridge Goujons
Ambitions / Goals: To own my own sheep farm
Passions / Hobbies : Training sheep dogs and horse riding
Fiona, why did you nominated Morven?
She has worked hard to get to where she is in a mostly male dominated industry.
“I feel the role of women in rural Scotland needs a greater audience. Mostly everybody who we speak to automatically assumes my husband is the farmer and not me!” - Morven