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Estates That Educate!

This year is the seventh year of Estates that Educate and we are delighted that it has grown phenomenally since the early days, with 800 young people participating this year!

The initiative has united a wide range of people across Scotland who work for, or with estates, from the Southern Uplands in the South, to Strathdearn and Speyside in the North.

We provide a tailored programme of activities, from sheep shearing, working dogs and ponies, river conservation, peatland restoration and rewetting, species recognition, deer management, predator control, forestry, wildfire prevention, foraging, pollinators, roe deer butchery, cookery and more.

We hope you enjoy, roll on #ETE23!

If you want to know more about the programme please email:



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National Engagement Manager
Mark Ewart

Scotland’s Regional Moorland Groups is a trading entity of the Loch Ness Rural Communities Company, registered no SC526442 and having its registered office at 28 Queensgate, Inverness IV1 1DJ.


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