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Enough Is Enough

In the vast landscapes of our moorlands, a powerful story unfolds. "Enough Is Enough" is more than a film; it's a call to empower rural workers, especially gamekeepers, whose tireless efforts contribute immeasurably to our biodiversity, economy, and local communities. Gamekeepers are the unsung heroes working tirelessly every day, ensuring red-listed species thrive in the habitats they carefully manage.


Gamekeepers aren't just workers; they are community builders. Through their dedication, local communities flourish, businesses thrive, and a sense of togetherness strengthens.


MSPs will consider amendments to the Wildlife Management and Muirburn Bill from Wednesday 24 January.


We urge MSPs to think of rural workers and their families when they cast their votes in the Scottish Parliament.


Rural workers are playing a key role in enhancing biodiversity across the Scottish Uplands, and making landscapes more resilient to climate change.


If the Wildlife Management and Muirburn Bill remains in its current form, it will actively compromise this integral contribution to the fabric of rural Scotland.

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National Engagement Manager
Mark Ewart

Scotland’s Regional Moorland Groups is a trading entity of the Loch Ness Rural Communities Company, registered no SC526442 and having its registered office at 28 Queensgate, Inverness IV1 1DJ.


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